Market Intentions and Reality

Market Intentions and Reality

Last weekend's 454th edition of Turning Points called out the premature, elementary level technicians who actually thought the price action from on June 20th - June 21st, would yield gains into the new week. An excerpt from the 6/23/24 note:               High for the week was 5524. What was most impressive about this past week is that the market exerted pressure on the bears into the 11th hour, before finally revealing the hand it was meant to play all along, by squeezing the shorts in order to make room for further shenanigans during the week to come. Ultimately, the posturing and positioning that is taking place is a waiting game to throw both bulls and bears into a tizzy prior to the next leg taking place. From a perspective purely rooted in the basics of price structure, the longer we continue carving out a flattish range around present levels, the more the possibility this turns into a continuation pattern for the primary trend. There is the issue of the earnings season quickly approaching, along with an end of July FOMC meeting. Both events will drive the intentions of the market over the next few weeks, as there will surely be attempts at dislodging positions prior to any profitable, sustained trend revealing itself. Continued chop remains the theme until further notice. Zenolytics Turning Points is 450+ editions in and only getting better. Find out why institutions and individual investors have come to depend on our service through each and every type of market environment.  Click here for details. Disclaimer This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a complete description of our investment advisory services. No information contained on this website constitutes investment advice. This website should not be considered a solicitation, offer or recommendation for the purchase or sale of any securities or other financial products and services discussed herein. Viewers of this website will not be considered clients of T11 Capital Management LLC just by virtue of access to this website. T11 Capital Management LLC only conducts business in jurisdictions where licensed, registered, or where an applicable registration exemption or exclusion exists. Information contained herein is not intended for persons in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to the laws or regulations of that jurisdiction, or which would subject T11 Capital Management LLC to any unintended registration requirements. Visitors to this site should not construe any discussion or information contained herein as personalized advice from T11 Capital Management LLC. Visitors should discuss the personal applicability of the specific products, services, strategies, or issues posted herein...

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