Yes you! On the October 2nd, you innocently and likely fearfully typed in the following search string on Google: END OF IT ALL ECONOMIC ARMAGEDDON.

I didn't know it at the time, but when you type in this search string to Google I come up as the second most qualified person in the world on the topic. Although I am flattered by Google's algorithm choosing me as a thought leader in this field and even more flattered that you chose to click on my link, I am more interested in profiting as a result of speculation in the financial markets.

Your concern with respect to "END OF IT ALL ECONOMIC ARMAGEDDON" came two days before what has turned out to be a sizable rally in the financial markets and more than likely, the lows of the year.

Your emotions are finely tuned to the financial markets and economy, only they are upside down. In other words, you become fearful when you should be brave and most likely brave when you should be fearful.

You probably aren't aware of this flaw in your emotional makeup as it pertains to speculation in the financial markets, if you are even a speculator. Let's not worry about that for now. You are just fine the way you are.

It can prove profitable, however, which is why I would like you to contact me so that we can monitor your emotions on a real-time basis. if you are reading this.

Author: admin

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