Last night, I sent out a flow chart to members going over a good ol' boy network that is operating in our largest holding. Good ol' boy networks. You know, when a group of well-heeled gentlemen put together a business with the sole purpose of enriching their network of people. It's typically a closed door affair, catering solely to members of the network.
Stumbling upon an established good ol' boys network can be a monstrous find if you come across the right group. These networks only exist due to past successes. The members are not in the position they are due to being a bunch of sheep who have been fleeced and hung by their toes in the past. Good ol' boy networks can rarely stand more than one failure. They quickly dissolve. You can assume that if you find one with a well established history, their most recent investment will have a very high percentage chance of succeeding.
We've come across a doozy of a good ol' boys network. We're talking a staff of executives at a newly created company that have been in business with each other for decades, having formed numerous ventures that have created hundreds of millions in wealth for members of the network. And now they are involved in their newest project, buying up stock through private offerings, as the public markets cannot absorb their massive demand.
One member of the network is buying stock in the company for his wife's retirement account. How many men do that without absolute confidence in the potential outcome? It's a bunch of friends and family here. All well to do, well established people. Through research, we've stumbled upon their latest venture...and it's our largest holding. Not just because of the good ol' boys, but also because of the raw potential we see in what the company is doing. There is a reason this group of good ol' boys has been together for as long as they have, and it's not because they suck.
Join Zenpenny today and receive a 12 page research report, outlining this opportunity, as well as our 3 other holdings.