You have days like these in the markets. They come along more often than in any other line of work. Days where you begin getting antsy from the inherent desire to produce, accomplish, create. At least, that's the way I feel.
The market tends to attract those who are driven by greed and desire of a better, if not the best, life for themselves. It certainly doesn't attract the humble hare krishna crowd, looking to hit a big score in their favorite stock, before getting back to their daily routine of chanting. You have a bunch of ego-driven sharks who on a daily basis are trying to devour those who can't function on the same speculative level as them.
Given the type of crowd we're dealing with here, when days like today come along when the best course of action could indeed be to do nothing, it creates inner-conflict. The thought that less could be more is so foreign to the trading crowd that individuals greet this reality with deep suspicion.
It's a counter-intuitive game boys and girls. Less is more, green is blue, and up is often times down. It's a field of battle that is designed to separate you from your money at every opportunity. It's a wealth transfer mechanism at its finest. The more alien you can be in your emotions and actions, the better of you are. Human beings not welcome!
Our portfolio was down slightly today. Off its highs the past two days. Sitting tight for now.