One of the most common questions we get from those who are thinking about joining the service is whether or not there are picks, trades, investments that we make outside of the micro-cap/penny stock arena. My answer to them is an emphatic, unequivocal and spirited...hell NO.
Why am I so adamant about this? Here's why:
I've been doing this (by this I mean trading, investing) my entire adult life. I started in 1994 and with the exception of the time I took away from the markets after I closed the doors to my hedge fund in 2006 - 2008, I've traded, watched, advised and commented on the markets almost every day for the past 17 years. You know what all that experience has brought me? A knowledge of myself. Of my psychology, my fears, my tolerances, my balance.
It has also brought me the knowledge of where I excel. I know exactly what pitches to swing at every single day. This gives me a success rate for each investment I make that is higher than most. It allows me to be aggressive with our picks, which brings us the potential for large gains, with a surprisingly well controlled risk profile.
Why would I swing for a curve ball or a slider, when I know I am a fast ball hitter? If I hit a homerun with 3 out of 4 fastballs that are pitched to me, but only 1 out of 10 sliders and 1 out of 20 curve balls...I would have to be insane to even entertain the idea of swinging at anything but the pitch that I know will go the furthest and offer me the greatest chance for success.
That's what the micro-cap/penny stock market, with a focus towards restructurings is for me. It's a high percentage bet that I am able to hit homeruns with over and over again. After all these years, why would I deviate into something that will give me 50% of the success with 100% more headaches?
And that is the reason you won't see me trading anything but my specific, very focused niche. It's my bread and butter. And it has cost me a fortune to discover this particular loaf of bread and stick of butter. I ain't lettin' go.
Join us. It'll be a profitable education, at the very least.